Boho Bedroom Plants: Elevate Your Space with Nature’s Touch

Remi Campbell

Bohemian bedroom with hanging plants in macrame planters and golden light

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Hey there, groovy home enthusiasts! Remi here, your friendly neighborhood RetroFuture Living guru. Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s sure to make your bedroom far out: boho bedroom plants. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Remi, aren’t you all about blending vintage with high-tech?” Well, cats and kittens, let me tell you, there’s nothing more timeless than nature itself!

Imagine this: You’re lounging in your bedroom, surrounded by lush greenery that would make even the most die-hard urbanite feel like they’ve stepped into a tropical paradise. Sounds pretty rad, right? Well, that’s the magic of boho bedroom plants. They’re not just eye candy; they’re like having your personal time machine that can transport you to a bygone era of peace, love, and harmony with nature.

Before we plug into this groovy topic, let me hip you to some bohemian bedroom decor tips that’ll tie the room together. Trust me, once you’ve got the basics down, adding some far-out foliage will be the cherry on top of your boho sundae!

Attic bedroom with trailing plants and wood accents

So, grab your favorite vintage mug, pour yourself something refreshing, and let’s rap about how to turn your boudoir into a botanical wonderland that would make Mother Nature herself green with envy!

Benefits of Boho Bedroom Plants

Alright, cool cats, let’s rap about why bringing some green into your scene is a totally boss move. Boho bedroom plants aren’t just pretty faces; they’re multitasking marvels that’ll have your pad working harder than a jukebox at a sock hop!

Improve Air Quality

Picture this: It’s 1969, and the smog is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Fast forward to today, and we’ve got our indoor air pollution to deal with. But fear not! Boho bedroom plants are like nature’s own air purifiers. They’re working 24/7 to filter out those nasty toxins faster than you can say “groovy.”

Bedroom with tall cacti and succulent ladder shelf display

Fun Fact: Did you know that NASA studied houseplants in the ’80s as a way to purify air in space stations? Talk about some far-out research!

Enhance Room Aesthetics

Now, let’s get visual, baby. Boho bedroom plants are like the backup singers to your room’s lead vocalist. They add depth, texture, and a pop of color that’ll make your space sing louder than a Motown hit. Whether you’re into trailing vines that cascade like a leafy waterfall or sturdy succulents that stand tall like tiny green soldiers, there’s a plant out there to suit every boho style.

Create a Relaxing Atmosphere

Last but not least, let’s talk Zen, man. In this fast-paced, always-connected world, your bedroom should be your oasis. Boho bedroom plants bring a sense of calm that’s more soothing than a lava lamp on a lazy Sunday afternoon. They’re like silent roommates who never complain, always look good, and help you chill out after a long day of hustling.

Bohemian bedroom with large monstera plant and rattan furniture

Best Plant Choices

Alright, plant parents-to-be, it’s time to choose your green squad! When it comes to boho bedroom plants, you’ve got more options than a 1950s diner menu. Let’s break it down into three groovy categories that’ll have you feeling like a botanical boss in no time.

Low Maintenance Options

For all you busy bees out there, fear not! There are plenty of boho bedroom plants that are tougher than a two-dollar steak. These low-maintenance marvels are perfect for those who want the look without the hassle.

  1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria): This bad boy is practically indestructible. It’s like the leather jacket of the plant world – cool, classic, and can take a beating.
  2. ZZ Plant: Drought-tolerant and can thrive in low light. It’s the plant equivalent of that friend who’s always chill, no matter what’s going down.
  3. Pothos: This trailing beauty is as easy-going as a Sunday afternoon. It’ll grow faster than your vinyl collection!

Remember, cats and kittens, even these low-maintenance options need a little love now and then. Think of them as the houseplant version of a classic car – a bit of regular TLC will keep them purring for years to come.

Boho attic bedroom with hanging ferns and circular window

Air-Purifying Varieties

Now, let’s talk about some boho bedroom plants that work harder than a jukebox at a sock hop. These air-purifying powerhouses are like having your cleanup crew.

  1. Spider Plant: This groovy guy is always ready to party, shooting out babies faster than you can say “far out.” It’s a champion at removing formaldehyde from the air.
  2. Peace Lily: Don’t let its delicate looks fool you. This plant is tougher than a football player’s shoulder pads when it comes to cleaning the air.
  3. Boston Fern: This lush lady is like the green version of a shag carpet – it’ll add some serious ’70s vibes to your space while scrubbing the air clean.

Fun Fact: NASA’s Clean Air Study found that some plants can remove up to 87% of air toxins in 24 hours. How’s that for some space-age plant power?

Boho bedroom corner with hanging chair and cascading plants

Aesthetic Appeal Selections

Last but not least, let’s chat about some boho bedroom plants that are real lookers. These beauties will have your room ready for its spread in “Better Homes and Gardens.”

  1. Monstera Deliciosa: With leaves bigger than a vinyl record, this plant is a real showstopper. It’s the Elvis of the plant world – bold, iconic, and impossible to ignore.
  2. String of Pearls: This trailing succulent looks like it’s straight out of a ’60s beaded curtain. It’s perfect for hanging planters or draping over shelves.
  3. Calathea: With patterns more intricate than a psychedelic album cover, these plants are like nature’s own art pieces.

Remember, mixing and matching different types of boho bedroom plants is key to creating that effortless, collected-over-time boho vibe. It’s like putting together the perfect outfit – a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and voila! Botanical magic.

Boho bedroom featuring monstera plant and natural textures

Want to take your boho bedroom to the next level? Check out these DIY ideas for a boho bedroom that’ll have you feeling like a crafty genius in no time!

Placement Tips

Alright, cool cats, now that you’ve got your green gang assembled, it’s time to figure out where to put them. Placing your boho bedroom plants is like arranging your vintage vinyl collection – it’s all about creating the right vibe. So let’s groove through some far-out placement tips that’ll have your room looking more refreshing than a tall glass of lemonade on a hot summer day.

Use of Shelves and Stands

First things first, let’s talk about elevating your green game – literally! Using shelves and stands for your boho bedroom plants is like giving them their stage to perform on. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  1. Floating Shelves: These bad boys are perfect for smaller plants. Arrange them in a zigzag pattern for a groovy, asymmetrical look.
  2. Ladder Shelves: Transform an old wooden ladder into a plant paradise. It’s like a stairway to heaven for your leafy friends!
  3. Record Player Stand: Got an old turntable collecting dust? Turn it into a rotating plant display. It’s the perfect blend of retro and nature!
Boho bedroom with bamboo bed and tropical plants

Remember, varying the heights of your plants creates visual interest faster than a kaleidoscope at a light show. Mix it up, baby!

Hanging Plant Ideas

Now, let’s get high – with hanging plants, that is! Suspended greenery adds a whole new dimension to your boho bedroom plants game. It’s like giving your room its green ceiling!

  1. Macramé Hangers: Nothing says boho like a hand-knotted plant hanger. It’s the plant equivalent of a fringed vest!
  2. Repurposed Colanders: Old kitchen colanders make perfect hanging planters. It’s upcycling at its grooviest!
  3. Hanging Terrariums: These glass globes are like little worlds of their own. Imagine having your tiny planet right in your bedroom!

Pro Tip: When hanging plants, make sure to use sturdy hooks. You don’t want your green friends taking a nosedive in the middle of the night!

Boho bedroom with hanging plants and soft morning light

Grouping for Visual Impact

Last but not least, let’s talk about the power of the posse. Grouping your boho bedroom plants is like forming your little green band – each plant plays its part in creating a harmonious whole.

  1. The Rule of Three: Group plants in odd numbers for a look that’s more pleasing to the eye than a perfect sunset.
  2. Mix and Match: Combine plants of different heights, textures, and colors. It’s like creating your little indoor jungle!
  3. Create a Focal Point: Use a large statement plant as the centerpiece, then surround it with smaller buddies. It’s the plant version of a lead singer with backup dancers!

Remember, the key to successful grouping is balance. You want your boho bedroom plants to complement each other, not compete for the spotlight.

Boho bedroom with macrame headboard and cactus arrangement

For those of you working with limited space, don’t fret! Check out these tips for decorating a small boho bedroom that’ll make your cozy nook feel like a botanical paradise.

Plant Care Guidelines

Alright, plant parents, listen up! Now that you’ve got your boho bedroom plants all setup and looking groovy, it’s time to talk about keeping them happy and healthy. Think of it like maintaining a classic car – with the right care, these babies will keep on truckin’ for years to come!

Watering and Light Needs

First things first, let’s rap about the two most important things your green amigos need: water and light. It’s like the peanut butter and jelly of plant care!


  • Don’t be a square and overwater! Most boho bedroom plants prefer to dry out between waterings.
  • Stick your finger about an inch into the soil. If it’s dry, it’s time to water. If it’s still moist, let it be.
  • Water deeply, but less frequently. It’s like giving your plants a long, refreshing drink instead of little sips.
Boho loft bedroom with olive tree and hanging plants


  • Most boho bedroom plants dig bright, indirect light. Think of it as the sweet spot between a tanning booth and a dark room.
  • Rotate your plants every few weeks. It’s like giving them their little dance, and it helps them grow evenly.
  • If your room’s darker than a jazz club at midnight, consider growing lights. They’re like sunlamps for your leafy pals!

Fun Fact: Did you know some plants, like the Snake Plant, can survive in almost complete darkness? It’s the plant world’s version of a night owl!

Soil and Pot Selection

Now, let’s dig into the nitty-gritty of soil and pots. It’s like choosing the right outfit for your plants – you want something that looks good and feels comfortable!


  • Most boho bedroom plants dig a well-draining potting mix. It’s like giving them their little spa treatment.
  • Add some perlite or sand to improve drainage. It’s the soil equivalent of aerating your lawn.
  • Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty! Feeling the soil is the best way to know if it’s right.
Boho room with large fig tree and small cacti on shelves


  • Always choose pots with drainage holes. It’s like making sure your shoes have breathing room for your feet!
  • Terra cotta pots are great for plants that like to dry out between waterings. They’re the breathable cotton of the pot world.
  • Get creative with vintage containers! Old teapots, boots, or even guitars can make unique planters. Just make sure to add drainage!

Seasonal Care Tips

Last but not least, let’s talk about keeping your boho bedroom plants groovin’ all year round. Just like how you change your wardrobe with the seasons, your plants need different care as the weather shifts.

Spring and Summer:

  • This is the prime growing season! Feed your plants with a balanced fertilizer. It’s like giving them a vitamin boost.
  • Watch out for pests. Warm weather brings out the bugs faster than a free concert brings out the hippies!
  • Increase watering as needed. Those hot days can make your plants thirstier than usual.
Cozy bedroom with macrame hangers and cascading plants

Fall and Winter:

  • Most plants enter a period of dormancy. Cut back on watering and fertilizing. It’s like letting them have a little winter nap.
  • Keep an eye on the humidity. Indoor heating can dry out the air faster than a hairdryer in a windstorm.
  • Move plants away from cold windows. They don’t dig the chilly drafts any more than you do!

Remember, every plant is unique, just like every vintage find. Pay attention to your boho bedroom plants, and they’ll tell you what they need. It’s like developing a green thumb telepathy!

Final Remarks

Well, cool cats, we’ve come to the end of our groovy journey through the world of boho bedroom plants. We’ve rapped about everything from air-purifying powerhouses to low-maintenance marvels and even dug into the nitty-gritty of plant care. It’s been a wild ride, hasn’t it?

Let’s take a moment to recap the greatest hits of our botanical adventure:

  1. Boho bedroom plants aren’t just pretty faces – they’re hardworking air purifiers and mood boosters.
  2. From easy-going succulents to show-stopping Monsteras, there’s a plant out there for every boho style.
  3. Placement is key – use shelves, stands, and hanging planters to create your indoor jungle.
  4. Proper care is like giving your plants their little spa day – the right amount of water, light, and TLC will keep them groovin’ for years to come.
Cozy corner with string of pearls and bird of paradise plants

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Remi, this all sounds groovy, but where do I start?” Well, my friends, the beauty of boho style is that there are no hard and fast rules. It’s all about creating a space that feels uniquely you. So go ahead, and mix those boho bedroom plants with your vintage finds and high-tech gadgets. Create a space that’s as eclectic and vibrant as a 1960s block party!

Remember, incorporating boho bedroom plants into your space is like adding the final track to a perfect mixtape – it ties everything together and sets the mood just right. So don’t be afraid to experiment, have fun, and let your personality shine through.

Before I sign off, here’s one last piece of advice: Start small, but dream big. You don’t need to transform your bedroom into a greenhouse overnight. Begin with one or two plants that speak to you, and watch your confidence (and your plant collection) grow over time.

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